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Our Mission

The mission of Orchard Church is to lead people to GROW in relationship, ABIDE in Jesus, and MULTIPLY the Kingdom.

We strive to accomplish this mission through our CORE VALUES, which inform everything that we do.

Our Core Values



We believe that God created us to walk with Him and with one another authentically and unashamedly. We nurture this core value by modeling vulnerability and passionately seeking our identity through the diversity of creation as created in God’s image (the “Imago Dei”).

Gen 1:26, Gen 2:25, 1 Jn 1:7, Eph 2:19-21, Rev 7:9


We believe that the best model for becoming a disciple of Jesus is to apprentice under Him. At Orchard Church we do so by being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did through spiritual disciplines.

Lk 9:23-24, Jn 10:27-28, Col 2:6-7 Rom 13:14, Jn 13:34-35, Mt 28:19-20


We seek to continuously invite the tangible presence and power of God (Holy Spirit) to move through our neighborhoods and communities through a culture of prayer and worship.

Joel 2:28, Acts 1:8, Jn 14:26, 1Th 5:17-18, Ps 95:1-2, Heb 12:28


We seek to live on sacrificial mission to pursue cultural renewal by partnering with our local communities to meet the spiritual and social needs of our neighborhoods and communities.

Jer 29:7, Rom 12:1, Hab 3:2, Col 1:20


We believe that we can be most effective in helping to build God’s Kingdom by training and releasing leaders and planting new churches and ministries. We seek to ‘love fiercely and hold loosely’ our people and our resources.

Mt 28:18-20, Eph 4:11:12, Acts 14:21-23


We seek to be radically generous because God is radically generous. We give ourselves away through our time, talents, and treasure. 5% of every dollar received at Orchard Church goes directly to supporting justice and social causes both locally and globally, and 2% goes towards future church planting and multiplication efforts.

Jn 3:16, Mal 3:10, Rom 12:6-8, 1 Cor 12:7-11, 2 Cor 9:7


We desire to be a church that promotes spiritual and emotional health among its members so that we may grow into mature disciples and continue to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ came to heal, restore, and bind up the brokenhearted. Christ came to set the captives free, and we are a church that desires to help people break free from the past and experience a new, abundant life in Jesus Christ.

2Cor 3:18, Is 61:1-3, Jn 10:10, 2Cor 5:17