Orchard Church exists because God is generous. We are called to be generous in return. Our vision for financial stewardship is captured in our Generosity Liturgy:
All that we have we have received from God. We bring nothing into this world, and we take nothing out of it. We choose to follow the way of Jesus and increase in generosity until it can be said “there is no one in need among us” (Acts 4:34). We choose to be faithful stewards of all our resources: relationships, time, possessions, and money. We choose to be generous because our Father is generous, and as his daughters and sons we want to show the world what He is like.
Give NowWhile you can give multiple ways at Orchard Church, please consider automated giving via checking/savings account. Your generosity is instrumental in supporting the mission and vision of Orchard Church. Of every dollar given, 5% will be allocated to supporting justice and human rights efforts both locally and globally, and 2% will be allocated to church planting and multiplication efforts.